Resolving: "error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools"" in AUTOMATIC1111
Go to this link: Click the "Download Build Tools" button.
Run the downloaded installer file.
In the Visual Studio Installer, very important: select the "C++ build tools" workload. You don't need to install the entire Visual Studio IDE; just the build tools are sufficient.Make sure the following components are checked within the "C++ build tools" workload:MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools (latest) (or a newer version if available) Windows 10 SDK (latest) (or a newer version if available)
Click the "Install" button. The installation process may take some time.
After the installation is complete, restart your computer . This is crucial to ensure that the changes are applied correctly.
Launch AUTOMATIC1111. The error should now be resolved.
Download the latest Visual C++ Redistributable from Microsoft's website: (This is the x64 version, which is what most users need)Run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen instructions. Restart your computer.
Installation Errors: If you encounter errors during the installation of the build tools or redistributable, try running the installer as an administrator (right-click the installer file and select "Run as administrator").Conflicting Versions: If you have multiple versions of Visual C++ installed, it might cause conflicts. Try uninstalling older versions.
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