2025년 3월 19일 수요일

Comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide: PyTorch & CUDA Errors (50+ Solutions)


Comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide: PyTorch & CUDA Errors (50+ Solutions)

This guide aims to be a comprehensive resource for resolving common and less common errors encountered when working with PyTorch and CUDA. It's organized by error category and includes 50+ solutions, ranging from simple fixes to more advanced troubleshooting steps.

I. CUDA-Related Errors 

These errors typically stem from issues with your CUDA installation, driver compatibility, or hardware.

  1. CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version: Update your NVIDIA driver.
  2. CUDA error: initialization error: Reinstall CUDA toolkit and ensure correct environment variables are set.
  3. CUDA error: out of memory: Reduce batch size, model complexity, or use gradient accumulation. Close other GPU-intensive applications.
  4. CUDA error: device synchronization error: Indicates a potential hardware issue or driver instability. Update drivers, check hardware health.
  5. CUDA error: launch failed: Often related to kernel launch parameters. Check grid and block sizes.
  6. No CUDA devices available: Verify CUDA is installed correctly, drivers are compatible, and your GPU is detected.
  7. CUDA not available: PyTorch isn't detecting CUDA. Reinstall PyTorch with CUDA support.
  8. CUDA context can't be created: Insufficient GPU memory or driver issues.
  9. CUDA error: invalid device function: Kernel code is incompatible with the GPU architecture.
  10. CUDA error: unspecified launch failure: A generic error. Try simplifying the code, updating drivers, or checking hardware.
  11. CUDA error: illegal address: Memory access violation. Debug code for out-of-bounds access.
  12. CUDA error: asynchronous copy error: Data transfer issues. Ensure proper synchronization.
  13. CUDA error: host memory allocation failed: Insufficient host memory. Close other applications or increase RAM.
  14. CUDA error: device memory allocation failed: Insufficient GPU memory. Reduce model size or batch size.
  15. CUDA error: implicit synchronization error: Synchronization issues between CPU and GPU. Use torch.cuda.synchronize().
  16. CUDA error: stream operation timed out: Long-running operations on the GPU. Increase timeout or optimize code.
  17. CUDA error: peer access not allowed: Issues with multi-GPU setups. Verify GPU compatibility and driver settings.
  18. CUDA error: unknown error: A generic error. Check logs, update drivers, and simplify code.
  19. "No kernel image available for execution on the device": (Covered extensively previously) Rebuild xFormers, update drivers, or downgrade CUDA.
  20. CUDA OOM (Out of Memory) Error: Reduce batch size, use mixed precision training (FP16), or gradient checkpointing.

II. PyTorch-Specific Errors

These errors relate to PyTorch's internal workings and API usage.

  1. RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device: Move all tensors to the same device (CPU or GPU) using .to().
  2. RuntimeError: grad can be implicitly dcast to the specified dtype: Data type mismatch during backpropagation. Ensure consistent data types.
  3. RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn: Trying to compute gradients on a tensor that doesn't require them. Set requires_grad=True.
  4. RuntimeError: Found duplicate names in the module: Duplicate layer names within a module. Rename layers.
  5. TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable: A variable expected to be a list or iterable is None. Check for initialization errors.
  6. ValueError: Expected more than 1 value per channel: Incorrect image dimensions or channel count.
  7. ValueError: Target size is not divisible by the group size: Incorrect group size for operations like GroupNorm.
  8. IndexError: list index out of range: Accessing an invalid index in a list or tensor.
  9. KeyError: '...': Accessing a non-existent key in a dictionary or module.
  10. AttributeError: '...' object has no attribute '...': Trying to access a non-existent attribute.
  11. RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory when trying to allocate float tensor: GPU memory exhaustion.
  12. RuntimeError: Input type (torch.float64) and weight type (torch.float32) should be the same: Data type mismatch between input and weight tensors.
  13. RuntimeError: 1D tensor expected, got ...: Incorrect tensor dimensions.
  14. RuntimeError: unsupported operand types for +: Incorrect data types for an operation.
  15. RuntimeError: Expected object of scalar type Float but found scalar type Double: Data type mismatch.

III. Data Loading & Preprocessing Errors

These errors occur during data loading and preprocessing.

  1. FileNotFoundError: Data file not found. Verify the file path.
  2. ValueError: Invalid image mode: Incorrect image format. Convert to a supported format (e.g., RGB).
  3. IOError: Couldn't open file: Permission issues or corrupted file.
  4. TypeError: Expected string or bytes-like object: Incorrect data type for file path.
  5. RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid ...) exited unexpectedly: Issues with data loading workers. Reduce the number of workers or check for errors in the data loading function.

IV. Model-Related Errors

These errors relate to model architecture, training, and saving.

  1. RuntimeError: weights or biases are not properly initialized: Incorrect weight initialization.
  2. RuntimeError: module '...' has no attribute '...': Missing or incorrectly named module attribute.
  3. RuntimeError: Could not find module '...': Module not found. Verify import statements.
  4. RuntimeError: Saved tensor does not match the expected shape: Incorrect model architecture or loading errors.
  5. RuntimeError: Unable to load checkpoint: Corrupted checkpoint file or incompatible model architecture.
  6. ValueError: Expected input with shape ..., got ...: Incorrect input shape for the model.
  7. RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (XXX) must match the size of tensor b (YYY) at non-singleton dimension X: Dimension mismatch during operations.
  8. RuntimeError: Cannot assign element at index ... of '...' because the tensor is read-only: Trying to modify a tensor that requires gradients but is not properly tracked.
  9. RuntimeError: The given output does not match the expected output: Incorrect output shape during training.
  10. RuntimeError: Loss function returned NaN values: Numerical instability during training. Reduce learning rate, use gradient clipping, or check for data issues.
  11. RuntimeError: Gradient is NaN: Similar to above, indicates numerical instability.
  12. RuntimeError: CUDA error: device synchronization error (while training): Hardware or driver issue during training.

General Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Read the Error Message Carefully: The error message often provides valuable clues about the cause of the problem.
  • Simplify the Code: Reduce the complexity of your code to isolate the issue.
  • Check Documentation: Refer to the PyTorch and CUDA documentation for detailed information about the error.
  • Search Online: Search for the error message online. Someone else has likely encountered the same problem.
  • Use a Debugger: Use a debugger to step through your code and identify the source of the error.
  • Restart: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary issues.
  • Update: Ensure you're using the latest versions of PyTorch, CUDA, and your NVIDIA drivers.
  • Reinstall: If all else fails, try reinstalling PyTorch and CUDA.

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