Stable Diffusion WebUI Installation Errors & Solutions Summary
1. Python-related errors
Error 1: Python version is not correct
cmd>>> This Python version (3.x.x) is unsupported. |
Stable Diffusion WebUI recommends Python 3.10.x.
1)Uninstall existing Python
2).Download and install Python 3.10.
3).Re-run after installation
2. Error related to virtual environment (venv)
Error 2: venv virtual environment problem
cmd>>> AttributeError: module 'importlib._bootstrap' has no attribute ‘ SourceFileeloder’ |
!) Delete existing venv and re-create it
cmd>>> rm -rf venv python -m venv venv |
2) Reinstall
cmd>>> venv\Scripts\activate # (Windows) source venv/bin/activate # (Linux/Mac) pip install -r requirements.txt |
3. Torch/PyTorch related errors
Error 3: PyTorch not installed or version error
cmd>>> No module named 'torch' |
Reinstall PyTorch.
cmd>>> pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url |
- CUDA 12:
cmd>>> pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url |
- If you don't have a GPU (CPU only):
cmd>>> pip install torch torchvision torchaudio |
Check the installation:
py> import torch print(torch.__version__) print(torch.cuda.is_available()) # If True, GPU is available |
4. Errors related to xformers (speed optimization package)
Error 4: Problem installing xformers
cmd>>> No module named 'xformers' |
Install xformers manually.
cmd>>> pip install xformers |
- Check installation:
py> import xformers print("xformers installed successfully") |
5. CUDA related errors
Error 5: CUDA related execution error
cmd>>> torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. |
1) Add an option to save VRAM when running
cmd>>> python --medvram --disable-nan-check |
2) In more severe cases:
cmd>>> python --lowvram |
3) If that doesn't work, add the --opt-sdp-attention option
6. WebUI execution error
Error 6: Port conflict while running WebUI
cmd>>> OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use |
1) Check running processes
- Windows: netstat -ano | findstr :7860
- Linux: lsof -i :7860
2) End the process
- Windows: taskkill /PID [PID] /F
- Linux: kill -9 [PID]
3) Use a different port when running WebUI:
cmd>>> python --port 7870 |
7. Model download error
Error 7: Checkpoint model is missing or corrupted
cmd>>> ERROR: Model not found: model.ckpt |
1. Download the model directly
Save to the models/Stable-diffusion folder
8. Requirements installation error
Error 8: Requirements.txt installation error
cmd>>> ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement |
1) update the package to the latest version
cmd>>> pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel |
2) Install requirements again
cmd>>> pip install -r requirements.txt |
9. Black screen or no UI after execution
Error 9: UI not visible after execution
1) Check the correct URL
- Check if you accessed after execution
2) Delete browser cache and try again
- Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + R
3) Run on a different port
cmd>>> python --port 8000 |
10. Update error
Error 10: git pull problem during update
cmd>>> error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten |
1) Revert the changed files to the original and update
cmd>>> git reset --hard git pull |
2) If that doesn't work, update manually
cmd>>> rm -rf stable-diffusion-webui git clone |
11.Couldn't launch python, exit code 9009
Error 11 :
Couldn't launch python
exit code: 9009
When I open the webui-user.bat I got this error
'CALL C:\python\python.exe -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Creating venv in directory venv using python Unable to create venv in directory venv
exit code: 9009
stderr: '-m' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Launch unsuccessful. Exiting. Press any key to continue . . .
Is there anything wrong when I install python or anything else?
Uninstall Python, install it again, don't forget to check the "PATH" box when installing, then when editing the .bat, write this:
Here's an example:
set PYTHON=C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe
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